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. 2011 May 24;43(1):21. doi: 10.1186/1297-9686-43-21

Table 1.

Structure of the datasets for protein yield and somatic cell count (SCC).

Protein yield SCC

Country Code Number of bulls Common bullsa Number of bulls Common bullsa

Total Foreign bulls, % c Minb Maxb Mean Total Foreign bullsc , % Minb Maxb Mean
Canada CAN 7028 33 2 1044 267 7730 34 4 1191 331
Germany DEU 16734 23 56 1194 370 18624 25 49 1526 469
Dnk-Fin-Swed DFS 8900 13 12 590 248 9459 13 19 731 314
France FRA 11127 20 3 568 220 12254 19 7 622 274
Italy ITA 6322 20 8 607 253 7254 23 11 777 338
The Netherlands NLD 9696 24 26 1194 346 10935 26 37 1526 481
USA USA 23380 6 6 1044 410 25281 6 10 1191 507
Switzerland CHE 715 37 4 209 118 946 45 9 325 182
Great Britain GBR 4361 51 7 873 316 4017 55 12 855 377
New Zealand NZL 4253 24 3 560 209 4886 22 6 725 255
Australia AUS 4950 26 5 681 216 5404 31 12 895 325
Belgium BEL 634 97 12 425 143 665 97 14 466 166
Ireland IRL 1260 79 0 354 153 1337 96 3 388 183
Spain ESP 1499 48 2 408 203 1720 45 3 455 246
Czech Republic CZE 2036 75 12 590 202 2453 75 17 768 279
Slovenia SVN 196 55 5 68 32 -e - - - -
Estonia EST 472 46 2 93 30 556 49 6 117 40
Israel ISR 773 11 0 59 27 853 11 1 68 33
Swiss Red Holf CHR 1162 45 3 256 103 1359 42 10 327 147
French Red Holf FRR 145 72 0 73 9 168 71 1 84 15
Hungary HUN 1898 46 2 502 192 1638 63 5 573 246
Poland POL 5071 16 0 295 118 -e - - - -
South Africa ZAF 920 48 1 372 148 882 54 3 402 180
Japan JPN 3177 67 1 226 97 3562 63 1 272 123
Latvia LVA 232 71 6 71 29 -e - - - -
Danish Red Holf DNR -e - - - - 232 38 1 83 16

Total number of bulls 116941 122215

a With other countries

b Minimum (min) and maximum (max) values

c Bull's country of first registration is embedded in its international identity and was extracted from it

d Denmark, Finland and Sweden

e Country does not participate in international evaluation for this trait

f Holstein