Figure 5. Estimated effective connectivity of the proposed network comprising the “homeostatic-afferent”, “emotional-arousal”, and “cortical-modulatory circuits”.
The operation of the proposed network (as estimated by the completely unconstrained model) during BL, INF and EXP (columns) is presented for females and males (rows). The beta coefficients (effective connectivity) are depicted by the thickness and color of the arrows. Solid arrows represent a parameter estimate that was considered significantly different from zero whereas dashed lines represent nonsignificant coefficients. Red arrows represent positive coupling whereas blue arrows represent negative coupling. The legend depicts the magnitude of the coefficients associated with each thickness. Abbreviations: Amyg- amygdala, iACC- infragenual cingulate cortex, INS- insula, LCC- locus coeruleus complex, mOFC- medial orbital frontal cortex, n.s.- nonsignificant, sACC- supragenual anterior cingulate cortex, Thal- thalamus.