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. 2011 May;25(5):261–264. doi: 10.1155/2011/302382


Endoscopic ultrasound criteria for the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis

Conventional criteria Rosemont criteria
Parenchymal criteria Major criteria A
Hyperechoic foci
Hyperechoic strands
Hyperechoic foci (>2 mm in length/width with shadowing)
Hypoechoic lobules, foci or areas Major duct calculi (echogenic structure[s] within the MPD with acoustic shadowing)
Major criteria B
Lobularity (≥3 contiguous lobules = ‘honeycombing’)
Duct criteria
Irregular duct contour Minor criteria
Visible side branches
Hyperechoic duct margin
Cyst (anechoic, round/elliptical with or without septations)*
Dilated duct (≥3.5 mm in body or >1.5 mm in tail)*
Dilated main duct
Irregular duct contour (uneven or irregular outline and ectatic course)
Dilated side branch (>3 tubular anechoic structures each measuring ≥1 mm in width, budding from the MPD)*
Hyperechoic duct wall (echogenic, distinct structure >50% of entire MPD in the body and tail)
Hyperechoic strands (≥3 mm in at least 2 different directions with respect to the imaged plane)
Hyperechoic foci (>2 mm in length/width that are nonshadowing)*
Lobularity (>5 mm, noncontiguous lobules)

If any of these minor criteria are present, the patient cannot be classified as ‘normal’. MPD Main pancreatic duct. Data from references 14 and 15