Figure 3.
Chloroplast photorelocation movement in GFP-JAC1 transgenic lines. Wild type, jac1-1, transgenic jac1 mutant lines expressing wild-type (J1-8 and J2-2) or HPD motif-mutated (H6-1 and H9-1) GFP-JAC1 transgenes were analyzed. The graph shows data from a representative experiment using six to eight leaves of each indicated genotype. Similar results were obtained in other two independent experiments. For analysis of leaf transmittance changes, detached leaves (from 16 day-old seedlings) were placed on 1% gellan gum medium in a 96-well plate, and the red light (650 nm) transmittance was automatically recorded every 2 min using a microplate reader (Versa-Max, Molecular Devices). Blue light was provided from a blue light-emitting diode (LED) illuminator (LED-mB, EYELA, Japan). The light conditions are shown at the top of the graph. D, Dark; BL, blue light. The decrease in the transmittance induced by 3 µmolm−2s−1 of blue light represents the chloroplast accumulation response, whereas the increase in the transmittance induced by 20 and 50 µmolm−2s−1 of blue light represents the avoidance response.