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. 2011 Jul-Aug;126(4):583–590. doi: 10.1177/003335491112600415

Table 1.

Baseline sociodemographic and smoking-related characteristics of participants in the Korean quitline service who had set a quit day and whose quit day had elapsed in the previous 12 months (n=3,631): South Korea, 2006–2007

graphic file with name 16_GlobalTable1a.jpg

graphic file with name 16_GlobalTable1b.jpg

aBecause of rounding, not all percentages add up to 100.

bThe medical security system in Korea, which is compulsory, comprises two major programs: medical insurance and medical care. Medical insurance is divided into occupational medical insurance for the employed, and regional medical insurance for the unemployed or the self-employed. Medical care is sponsored by the Korean government for low-income people.

SD = standard deviation

FTND = Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence