Table 1-.
LBP | Sample Localities | F | M | Coordinates |
8704 | Paraitinga river – Salesópolis – SP | 12 | 7 | S 23°30’40 W 45°51’32 |
8714 | Alambari river – Botucatu – SP | 25 | 10 | S 22°56’06 W 48°19’18 |
6727 | Novo river – Avaré – SP | 10 | 4 | S 23°01’26 W 48°49’32 |
8715 | Araquá river – Botucatu – SP | 8 | 5 | S 22°47’13 W 48°28’89 |
8533 | Juba river – Nova Fernandópolis – MT | 6 | 5 | S 14°58’23 W 57°44’40 |
LBP: deposit number at the fish collection of the Laboratório de Biologia e Genética de Peixes, Instituto de Biociências, UNESP. F: females and M: males; SP – São Paulo: MT – Mato Grosso.