Table 1.
Data Collection and Refinement Statistics
Data collection | |
Space group | P63 |
Resolution range (Å) | 30-2.0 (2.05-2.0) |
Unit-cell parameters (Å) | a = b = 78.25 |
c =100.10 | |
Measurements | 216,335 |
Unique reflections | 23,411 (1,686) |
Redundancy | 9.2 (8.3) |
Completeness (%) | 99.5 (96.1) |
<I/σ(I)> | 15.5 (5.8) |
Rmerg(%)b | 9.1 (40.8) |
Refinement | |
No. of protein atoms | 2,993 |
No. of water atoms | 148 |
RMSD of bond lengths (Å) | 0.007 |
RMSD of bond angle (°) | 1.4 |
Rwork (%)c | 17.5 (20.2) |
Rfree (%)d | 22.6 (23.9) |
Figures in brackets apply to the highest-resolution shell.
Rmerg = ΣhΣi|I(h,i)-<I(h)>|/ΣhΣiI(h,i), where I(h,i) is the intensity of the ith observation of reflection h, and <I(h)> is the average intensity of redundant measurements of reflection h.
Rwork= Σh|Fobs−Fcalc|/Σh Fobs.
Rfree = Σh|Fobs – Fcalc|/Σh Fobs for 10% of the reserved reflections.