Table 6.
First Stage
Got results (1) | HIV × got results (2) | |
Any incentive | 0.153* (0.081) | −0.001 (0.004) |
Amount of incentive | 0.309*** (0.089) | 0.001 (0.002) |
Amount of incentive2 | −0.067** (0.026) | 0.000 (0.001) |
Distance (km) | −0.117* (0.062) | 0.003 (0.005) |
Distance2 | 0.018 (0.011) | 0.000 (0.001) |
Any × male | 0.047 (0.104) | −0.001 (0.006) |
Amount × male | −0.058 (0.130) | −0.001 (0.002) |
Amount2 × male | 0.023 (0.040) | 0.000 (0.001) |
Distance × male | 0.199** (0.076) | −0.003 (0.011) |
Distance2 × male | −0.033** (0.013) | 0.001 (0.002) |
Any × male × HIV | −0.161 (0.442) | −0.185 (0.392) |
Amount × male × HIV | −0.714 (0.638) | −0.778 (0.592) |
Amount2 × male × HIV | 0.195 (0.177) | 0.23 (0.172) |
Distance × male × HIV | 0.401** (0.193) | 0.385** (0.184) |
Distance2 × male × HIV | −0.059 (0.036) | −0.054 (0.036) |
Any × HIV | −0.067 (0.235) | 0.165 (0.213) |
Amount × HIV | 0.750* (0.377) | 1.035*** (0.350) |
Amount2 × HIV | −0.235** (0.115) | −0.301*** (0.109) |
Distance × HIV | −0.171 (0.237) | −0.221 (0.224) |
Distance2 × HIV | 0.034 (0.046) | 0.04 (0.045) |
HIV | −0.231 (0.275) | 0.236 (0.259) |
Male | −0.279** (0.112) | 0.004 (0.018) |
Constant | 0.406*** (0.103) | 0.026* (0.015) |
Observations | 1,008 | 1,008 |
R2 | 0.22 | 0.76 |
F–statistic | 74.98 | 193.29 |
Notes: Sample includes individuals who tested for HIV, have age data, and who had sex in 2004. Columns represent OLS coefficients; robust standard errors clustered by village (for 57 villages) with district fixed effects. “Any incentive” is an indicator if the respondent received any nonzero incentive. “HIV” indicates being HIV positive. Distance is measured as a straight-line spherical distance from a respondent’s home to randomly assigned VCT center from geospatial coordinates and is measured in kilometers. Also includes controls for age, age-squared, simulated average distance, and a district fixed effect.
Significantly different from zero at 99 percent confidence level.
Significantly different from zero at 95 percent confidence level.
Significantly different from zero at 90 percent confidence level.