Figure 1. A proliferative gene signature induced by oncogenic BRAF in human primary melanocyte (HPM) and gene ontology (GO) annotation analysis.
(a) Activation of MAPK signal transduction pathway by acute expression of BRAFV600E in HPM. (b) A pie chart of the GO annotation analysis. Eighty two annotated genes from 137 probe sets which are identified as greater than 3-fold differentially expressed genes were analyzed. p-value <0.005 was used for identification of the biological processes that may be regulated by BRAF downstream effectors. Numbers shown in parenthesis indicate number of genes classified as the suggested categories. (c) Heat map presentation of the downstream effector gene signature induced by BRAFV600E. Top 15 up- and down-regulated genes were shown. GFP; HPM expressing GFP, BRAFV600E; HPM expressing mutant BRAFV600E.