Embryonic and larval phenotypes of
hsc454.1. (A)
ABD-B staining of a stage 14 embryo obtained from crossing the
ru hsc454.1 sr e
and ru h th st cu hsc454.1
stocks. The embryo was cut open along the dorsal midline and flattened.
Note the ectopic expression of ABD-B, especially in the central nervous
system, up through the second thoracic segment, or parasegment 4
(arrowhead). A bracket marks parasegment 10, the anterior limit of
ABD-B expression in wild-type embryos. (B) The ventral
cuticle of a ru h th st cu
hsc454.1/+ second
instar larva. The denticle belts of the third, fourth, and fifth
abdominal segments are marked. Most of the denticles of the fourth
abdominal segment are missing (arrow).