Fig. 3.
Decreased γCOPI expression induces phenotypic changes at the organismal and cellular levels in blood-fed mosquitoes. (A) Representative photo of a blood-fed WT mosquito 24 h PBM. (B) Representative photo of a blood-fed γCOPI dsRNA-injected mosquito 24 h PBM. The red color in the thoracic segment indicates that blood from the midgut has entered the hemocoel (arrow). (C) Representative photos from EM analysis of midgut epithelial cells obtained from female mosquitoes injected 3 d earlier with Fluc dsRNA (800 ng) or a mixture of αCOPI dsRNA (400 ng) and γCOPI dsRNA (400 ng). Unfed refers to sugar-fed mosquitoes, and fed denotes that mosquitoes were fed an artificial amino acid meal 2 h before dissection. Representative RER and an RER whorl are labeled. (Scale bar: 0.5 microns.)