Table 1.
Summary of the Equations Generated from the Standard Curves Between Sperm Concentration and Absorbance Measured at 400 nm by Use of a Microspectrophotometer, and the Associated Coefficient Factors (R2-Values) and Effective Absorbance Range for Sperm Samples Collected by Crushing of Dissected Testis or by Stripping of Live Males of Zebrafish Danio rerio, Green Swordtail Xiphophorus helleri, and Medaka Oryzias latipesa
Zebrafish |
Green swordtail |
Medaka |
Values | Crushing of testis | Stripping of male | Crushing of testis | Stripping of male | Crushing of testis |
Equation | Y = (3 × 108)X − 1 × 107 | Y = (4 × 108)X − 3 × 107 | Y = (3 × 108)X − 2 × 107 | Y = (2 × 108)X − 4 × 106 | Y = (3 × 108)X − 2 × 107 |
R2-value | 0.9405 | 0.9170 | 0.9419 | 0.9800 | 0.9319 |
Absorbance range | 0.034–0.936 | 0.028–0.961 | 0.014–1.154 | 0.038–1.082 | 0.041–0.896 |
Stripping experiments were not performed for medaka.