Figure 2.
Cellular levels of the active, GTP-bound forms of germline KRAS mutants. Pull-down experiments of GTP-bound KRAS proteins (RASGTP) were performed in COS-7 cells transiently expressing either KRASwt or germline KRAS mutants in the presence (A) and in the absence of serum (B). Irrespective of culture conditions almost all KRAS mutants showed an increased GTP-bound level. Purified RAS-GAP, which was added to the cleared cell lysates proved the GAP sensitivity of the mutants (B, middle panel). GAP resistant mutants, RASP34L, RASP34R, and RASG60R, resided in the active state comparable to oncogenic RASG12V. Total amounts of recombinant RAS are shown for equal expression and loading. Anti-RAS antibodies used in these experiments were anti-RAS (RAS10 clone, Upstate-Millipore™, mutants p.G60R, p.D153V, p.F156L) and anti-RAS (BD Transduction Laboratories™, wt and all other mutants), because some mutations modified the RAS epitope recognized by the respective antibodies. Additional information is given in Supp. Fig. S2.