Table 1.
Assembly results of E.coli 563 and five E.coli subspecies
Assembler | E.coli 536 | Five E.coli subspecies |
Perfect de Bruijn graph Assembler | ||
k | 50 | 50 |
No. of k-mers | 4 859 649 | 11 533 119 |
No. of branches | 810 | 130 045 |
Velvet | ||
No. of contigs | 226 | 13 516 |
N50 | 178 914 | 875 |
Coverage (%) | 99.33 | 90.24 |
Abyss | ||
No. of contigs | 337 | 27 428 |
N50 | 32 440 | 849 |
Coverage (%) | 99.77 | 94.15 |
SOAPdenovo | ||
No. of contigs | 247 | 21 589 |
N50 | 125 404 | 713 |
Coverage (%) | 99.81 | 94.20 |
Meta-IDBA | ||
No. of contigs | 256 | 9292 |
N50 | 122 317 | 5781 |
Coverage (%) | 99.64 | 88.37 |
Simulated length-75 reads are sampled randomly from references with 1% error and 250 insert distance with a depth of 30. The value of k is set to 50 for all assemblers.