Figure 1.
Top panel shows proposed reciprocal model of displayed affect, maternal responses to emotion, and toddler internalizing behaviors. Paths labeled A were constrained to zero to test the parent-driven model, whereas those labeled B were constrained to zero to test the child-driven model. Bottom panel shows standardized regression coefficients for reciprocal model. Dotted paths are non-significant. With age 2 variables in the model, age 3 variables can be interpreted as change over time. The only significant indirect effect that emerged was from NA to Age 3 ITSEA via age 2 ITSEA (β = .19, p <.01, 95%CI = .09, .30. NA = Negative Affect. CTNES = Coping with Toddler’s Negative Emotion Scale. Pun./ Min. = Punitive / Minimization. ITSEA = Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment – Internalizing Behaviors.*p < .05. **p < .01.