Table 1. Annotated scorefile headers.
Metric | Purpose |
CA_sup_RMSD | Whole complex Cα RMSD after superimposition |
I_sup_bb_RMSD | Interface main chain atom RMSD, after superimposition |
ch1_CA_RMSD | Chain 1 Cα RMSD without superimposition |
ch1_CA_sup_RMSD | Chain 1 Cα RMSD with superimposition |
ch2_CA_RMSD | Chain 2 Cα RMSD without superimposition |
ch2_CA_sup_RMSD | Chain 2 Cα RMSD with superimposition |
loop_CA_sup_RMSD | Loop residues' Cα RMSD with superimposition |
dSASA_int | SASA buried by the interface |
dG_cross | Interface binding energy, calculated from residue interactions between chains |
dG_cross/dSASAx100 | dG_cross, scaled by dSASA_int and a constant factor |
dG_separated | Interface binding energy, calculated by separating components |
dG_separated/dSASAx100 | dG_separated, scaled by dSASA_int and a constant factor |
delta_unsatHbonds | Number of unsatisfied hydrogen bonds in the interface |
total_score | Weighted, summed score of the scorefunction |
LAM_total | A sensitive descriptor of loop closure quality |
description | The trajectory label (e.g., 2OBG_0001) |
This table annotates the regions of the scorefile produced by AnchoredDesign. The first column lists metrics useful for analyzing benchmark or designed structures, and the second lists the meanings of those metrics. Of particular interest are total_score, loop_CA_sup_RMSD (loop RMSD), I_sup_bb_RMSD (IRMSD), and ch2_CA_RMSD (LRMSD), which provide the metrics used for the other plots and tables in this paper. Scorefile columns not listed here are either scorefunction terms [31], [36] or InterfaceAnalyzerMover metrics not useful for AnchoredDesign.