Table 2.
Disease | Trials (n) | Intervention (Dx) | Results | Ref. |
COPD | 26 | Ambulatory oxygen | Reported use of oxygen is biased | [71] |
OCTD | 1 | L-arginine diet | L-arginine improved health | [72] |
Brain injury | NR | Methylphenidate | No benefit of methylphenidate | [73] |
Oral mucositis | 16 | Topical vitamin E | No benefit of topical vitamin E | [74] |
Chronic fatigue | 4 | Spirulina | No effect of spirulina | [75] |
ADHD | 86 | Stimulants | 28 out of 64 trials led to change of Tx | [56] |
Anticoagulation | 7 | Generic/brand warfarin | No difference between generic/brand | [76] |
Sleep disturbances | 15 | Temazepam | Temazepam is beneficial | [67] |
Sleep disturbances | 42 | Valerian | Valerian did not improve sleep | [77] |
COPD | 27 | Eformoteral | No effect of eformoterol | [78] |
Cystic fibrosis | 48 | Recombinant DNase | Marginal improvements with Dx | [79] |
Severe CM poisoning | 1 | Donepezil | No effect of donepezil on memory | [80] |
Reflux disease | 32 | Omeprazole/ranitidine | Utility of n-of-1 trials was observed | [81] |
Depression | 5 | Methylphenidate | Two patients improvement with Dx | [68] |
Cystic fibrosis | 52 | Recombinant DNase | Marked improvements after Dx | [82] |
ADHD | 43 | Methylphenidate | Improvement with methylphenidate | [83] |
Chronic airflow limits | 68 | Theophylline | N-of-1 studies no better than standard Tx | [84] |
ADHD: Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder; CM: Carbon monoxide; COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Dx: Diagnosis; NR: Not reported; OCTD: Overlap connective tissue disease; Tx: Treatment.