Increased expression of IL-6R on CD4 T cells in CHB and AHB patients. (A) Flow cytometric analysis of membrane IL-6R expression on CD4 T cells of HD, AsC, CHB and AHB. Representative histograms of IL-6R expression on CD4 T cells of each population were shown. (B) Pooled data indicate the proportion of IL-6R expression on CD4 T cells in HD (n = 29), AsC (n = 25), CHB (n = 40), AHB (n = 11). (C) Correlation analysis between the frequency of Th17 cells and the proportion of IL-6R expressing on CD4 T cells in HBV infected patients (n = 76), inserted table indicated the correlation coefficient of two parameters within AHB, CHB and AsC. (D) Correlation analysis between ALT and the proportion of IL-6R expressing on CD4 T cells in CHB patients. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001; horizontal bars represented the median values; solid line, linear growth trend; r, correlation coefficient. P-values are shown.