Backbone-dependent modeling of non-rotameric χ3 of χ1,χ2 rotamer = <g+,t> of Gln using Bayesian formalism of the 2002 rotamer library (top), 2010 query-adaptive KR of densities (middle) and 2010 binned “rotameric” model (bottom). These three models are provided at 3 different selected (ϕ, ψ) locations: (−60°, −10°), (−150°, 180°), and (−80°, 180°), indicated on the Ramachandran < g+, t > density insets in the bottom row. The top and bottom models are binned or “rotameric” while the middle model is continuous density. The “rotameric modeling” of the non-rotameric χ3 includes: r3 probabilities (heights of the bars), P(r3 | ϕ, ψ, r12 = < g+, t >) summing up to 1; χ3 means (positions of the bars), μ(χ3 | ϕ, ψ, r123); and χ3 standard deviations (lengths of the horizontal bars at the tip of the bars), σ(χ3 | ϕ, ψ, r123).