(A) The proportion of TREK-1, TREK-2 or TRAAK mRNA expressing neurons was greater in TRPV1 mRNA-positive than in TRPV1 mRNA-negative bladder TL neurons (* P<0.05 and ** P<0.01). TREK-1 expression in TRPV1 mRNA-negative bladder LS neurons was greater than in TL neurons (†††† P<0.0001 by FET). (B) Subgroups of these neurons were identified based on the K2P channel mRNA expression profile. In TRPV1 mRNA-negative bladder TL neurons, about half of them did not express any of the three K2P channel mRNAs. T-1, T-2 and TK represent TREK-1, TREK-2 and TRAAK, respectively.