Fig. 6.
Differential effects of ChTX on action potential discharge of neonatal rat VGN. A: somatic action potentials elicited from a neonatal rat VGN identified as myelinated A-type before (CNTRL, black line) and after (ChTX, gray line) application of 100 nM ChTX. Bar plots and step depolarizations summarize the lack of an effect on the excitability of myelinated A-type VGN. B: somatic action potentials elicited from an unmyelinated C-type VGN from neonatal rat under the same control (CNTRL) and test (ChTX) conditions as in A. Bar plots and step depolarizations summarize the dramatic effect 100 nM ChTX has on the excitability of unmyelinated C-type VGN. See text and Table 1 for additional details. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.