Figure 5.
Fold change of the HIF reporter vector activity in PLHC-1 cells exposed to 500, 1000, or 1500 nM BaP and co-transfected with (A) 0, (B) 0.25, (C) 0.5 and (D) 1.0 μg of the ARNT expression vector. Over expression of ARNT failed to eliminate the effects of BaP on HIF reporter activity (ARNT*hypoxia*BaP interaction p>0.05; BaP main effect for HIF reporter p<0.001; BaP main effect for HIF reporter/0.025ARNT p<0.001; BaP main effect for HIF reporter/0.5ARNT p<0.001; BaP main effect for HIF reporter/1.0ARNT p<0.001). Bars are means normalized to normoxia DMSO ± SE, n (replicate wells) = 12-14.