FIG. 1.
SOX9 mRNA decay during HAC dedifferentiation. The black data points and left hand y-axis illustrate the expression level of SOX9 mRNA in freshly isolated (P0) and passages 1 and 2 (P1 and P2) HAC. Gray data points and the right hand y-axis show the half life of SOX9 mRNA in hours at the same stages, determined as described in the materials and methods. In all instances, SOX9 mRNA levels were measured using real-time PCR. *p<0.05 (one-way ANOVA with Dunnett's post hoc test)–the shade of the asterisk indicates which dataset it relates to. Data are presented as mean and standard deviation of the expression measured in three donors. HAC, human articular chondrocyte; ANOVA, analysis of variance.