Figure 6. prdm1a overexpression causes upregulation of sox10 and islet1 expression.
Dorsal and lateral views of wildtype and prdm1a mutant embryos at 25hpf embryos. A dorsal view of sox10 expression within the cranial region of a wild type embryo at 25 hpf (A). prdm1a overexpression causes ectopic clusters of cranial neural crest cells within the dorsal midline (B, arrows). Lateral view of wild type sox10 expression in the trunk showing neural crest cells migrating in streams corresponding to each somite (C). prdm1a overexpression causes upregulation of sox10 expression and neural crest cells migrate as a sheet along the trunk instead of in streams (arrow, D). islet1 expression in a wild type embryo at 25 hpf (E). prdm1a overexpression results in an upregulation of islet1 expression specifically within the RB sensory neuron domain (F). nt, neural tube; m, motor neurons; r, Rohon-Beard sensory neurons.