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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Jul 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Mem Lang. 2011 Jul;65(1):42–73. doi: 10.1016/j.jml.2011.03.002

Table 1. Summary of tests of verbal skills.

Distributional data (in quartiles), grade equivalents and labels used in statistical models.

Domain Skill Label Raw Scores Grade Equivalents. Range
Mean SD Min 25% 50% 75% Max Mean SD Min Max
Age age 20.8 2.6 16 18.6 21.1 22.6 25.7 -- -- -- --
Phono. Awareness 1. Elision elision 15.1 4.6 6 12.5 17 19 20 6.8 3.3 1.7 >9.7 −1.98:1.06
2. Blending Words1 blendw 13.5 4.6 4 10 13 18 20 5.9 4 k.7 >9.7 −2.09:1.46
3. Blending Nonwords1 blendnw 8.8 3.1 2 7 9 10 16 5.7 3.3 k.7 >9.7 −2.18:2.34
4. Segmenting Words segmentw 11.4 4.3 2 8 12 15 19 6.4 3.8 2 >9.7 −2.11:1.77
5. Segmenting Nonwords segmentnw 13.7 5.4 0 8 16 18 20 7.3 3.3 2 >9.7 −2.56:1.20
6. Phoneme Reversal1 phonrev 10.4 4.6 1 6 11 14 18 7.2 3.2 k.7 >9.7 −2.06:1.70
Simple Memory Span 7. Digit Span1 digmem 16.3 2.6 9 14.5 16 18 21 8.7 2.7 k.2 >9.7 −2.82:1.84
8. Non-word Repetition1 nwrep 10.3 2.5 5 8 10 13 15 4 3.6 k.0 9.7 −2.13:1.85
Rapid Naming: Print5 9. Digit Naming rdn 23.7 4.7 14.8 23.3 26.2 30.1 35.4 9.1 1.5 4.7 >9.7 −2.48:1.92
10. Letter Naming rln 25.2 4.9 13.2 21.8 24.3 29.2 37.2 9.1 1.5 5 9.7 −2.15:2.37
Rapid Naming: Non-Print5 11. Color Naming rcn 38.7 8.3 25.2 33.5 37 42.1 62.6 9 1.6 4.4 >9.7 −2.96:1.65
12. Object Naming ron 43 7.6 29.5 37.6 41.6 48.6 62.9 9.1 1.5 4.7 >9.7 −2.71:1.81
Word and Nonword Reading 13. Word Identification2,3 wid 549 22.6 500 533 545 568 588 12.9 5.1 4.4 >18 −2.22:1.78
14. Word Attack2,3 watt 518 16.5 468 510 520 530 545 10.9 5.4 1.9 >18 −3.15:1.66
Reading Comp. 15. Stanford Fast Reading3 stan 0.9 0.1 0.5 0.8 0.9 1 1 10.2 3.3 3.4 13 −2.79:1.06
16. PIAT Reading3,4 piatr 33.9 5.8 22 29 36 38.5 41 9.8 3.1 4.3 13 −2.02:1.27
17. PIAT Listening3 piatl 34.4 4.9 22 31.5 34 38.5 41 9.9 2.7 4.3 13 −2.50:1.44
Complex Memory Span 18. Sentence Span span 76.9 15.2 26.7 67.8 78.3 88.3 100 -- -- -- -- −3.40:1.58

Notes to Table 1:


Grade levels prior to first grade are indicated as k.[month], where [month] indicates months into the kindergarten year.


W-scores reported here. See note in Appendix 1 for explanation.


Grade Equivalent of ”post high school” is indicated by 13; grade equivalent of “second year of graduate school” is indicated as 18.


Actual mean=85.8, actual min = 62, actual max = 100. See note in Appendix 1 for description of revised administration and scoring procedure.


For comparability with other tests, we transformed the original scores of rapid naming tests so that the highest score is associated with the shortest time it took to complete the test, so the best performance, and the lowest score with the worst performance (see section Scoring in Appendix 1 for details). All analyses reported here are based on transformed scores of rapid naming tests, coded as rln, rdn, ron and rcn.