Localization of pendrin relative to other proteins in human kidney.
Paraformaldehyde-fixed, paraffin-embedded human kidney sections were
double-labeled with a polyclonal antibody to aquaporin-2 (green;
1:1000) and a monoclonal antibody to pendrin (red; 1:50), with the
staining seen in the CCDs shown in A. In
B, similar sections were stained with a polyclonal
antibody to H+-ATPase (green; 1:1000) and the anti-pendrin
monoclonal antibody (red; 1:50). In the merged image, note the
α-intercalated cell with apical staining for H+-ATPase
(arrowhead) and the two other intercalated cells staining for both
H+-ATPase and pendrin (arrows), with the resulting yellow
areas corresponding to the pendrin-containing apical regions. Also note
the other cells in the same tubule that are negative for both proteins;
these are the principal cells. (Original magnification ×1000.)