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. 2011 Jun 8;10:155. doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-10-155

Table 2.

Facility Characteristics

Public Medicine retailer Total
HEALTH FACILITIES N = 20 % N = 80 % N = 100 % P value

Equipment and services available

 Weighing scale† 19 94.1 36 50.0 55 53.1 <0.001

 Thermometer 19 94.2 35 46.5 54 49.8 <0.001

 Microscopy services† 3 12.8 0 - 3 0.9 <0.001

 RDT 0 - 0 - 0 - -

Availability of anti-malarials

 Any anti-malarial 20 100.0 80 100.0 100 100.0 -

 Artesunate monotherapy 5 24.6 76 96.1 81 91.1 <0.001

 Sulphadoxine Pyrimethamine (SP) † 18 89.8 71 89.9 89 89.9 0.982

 Chloroquine 14 71.1 77 96.8 91 95.0 <0.001

 Quinine 4 20.3 70 89.1 74 84.3 <0.001

 Amodiaquine 3 14.4 60 85.3 63 80.3 <0.001

 Any type of ACT 14 71.1 66 89.6 80 88.3 <0.001

 Artemether Lumefantrine (AL) 12 65.6 64 79.6 66 78.4 <0.001

 Artesunate Amodiaquine (ASAQ) 2 8.6 57 78.8 59 73.9 <0.001

 Artesunate Mefloquine (ASMQ) 0 - 35 52.9 35 49.2 <0.001

 Artesunate Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine (ASSP) 0 - 18 28.4 18 26.4 <0.001

 Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine (DHAPQ) 0 - 55 78.0 55 72.6 <0.001

Median cost of ACT (& IQ range)

 Adult dose of any ACT - 600 (350, 750) 600 (350, 750) -

 Child dose of any ACT - 350 (260, 600) 350 (250, 600) -

 Adult dose of AL - 750 (650, 835) 750 (650, 820) -

 Child dose of AL - 650 (580, 750) 650 (520, 700) -

HEALTH WORKERS N = 50 % N = 99 % N = 149 % P value

 Doctor 7 14.0 0 9 1.7 <0.001

 Nurse or Midwife 7 14.0 7 7.3 14 8.1

 Community Health Officer 14 28.0 1 1.3 15 4.5

 Community Health Extension Worker 22 44.0 3 4.1 25 8.9

 Pharmacist‡ - 3 3.9 3 3.4

 PMD or pharmacy attendant‡ - 85 83.4 85 73.5

HW has attended malaria training in past 3 years 13 24.6 31 33.0 44 31.9 0.011

HW has access to malaria treatment guidelines 15 30.9 4 5.2 19 8.5 <0.001

HW accurately reported ACTs are the recommended treatment for uncomplicated malaria 38 77.2 44 62.2 82 65.4 <0.001

† missing response from one pharmacy

‡ not applicable in public facilities