Setting |
Health care system |
- Public primary health care centers (organized by municipalities) |
- General practice is federally funded with general practices voluntarily grouped into divisions, but community health centers are funded by the states and territories. |
Organizations |
Leaders |
- National Public Health Institute |
- Greater Green Triangle University Department of Rural Health, Flinders and Deakin Universities |
Strategic regional partners |
- Päijät-Häme Social and Health Care District |
- Limestone Coast, Otway and West Vic Divisions of General Practice, Wimmera Health Care Group |
- University of Helsinki, Palmenia Centre for Continuing Education |
Strategic national partners |
- UKK Institute for Health Promotion |
- Department of Health and Ageing, Office of the Victorian Premier (COAG) |
Operational partners |
- Public health care sector and sports and recreation sector in the municipalities of Päijät-Häme |
- General practices in Hamilton, Horsham, and Mount Gambier. |
Päijät-Häme Social and Health Care District |
- National Public Health Institute of Finland |
- University of Helsinki, Palmenia Centre for Continuing Education |
Research partners |
- National Public Health Institute |
- Greater Green Triangle University Department of Rural Health |
- University of Helsinki, Palmenia Centre for Continuing Education |
- Flinders and Deakin Universities |
- Monash University, Australia |
- The University of Melbourne |
- University of Konstanz, Germany |
Funding |
Development |
- Academy of Finland, Program for Health Promotion |
- Department of Health and Ageing |
- Uebergang Foundation |
Implementation |
- Municipalities of Päijät-Häme |
- Greater Green Triangle University Department of Rural Health, assisted by a Finn on sabbatical leave from the National Public Health Institute of Finland |
- Päijät-Häme Social and Health Care District |
Evaluation |
- Academy of Finland, Program for Health Promotion |
- Greater Green Triangle University Department of Rural Health assisted by the National Public Health Institute of Finland |
- Social Insurance Agency |
- Ministry of Social Affairs and Health |
Target population |
Demographics |
- Women and men (3:1) |
- Women and men (7:3) |
- Age 50–65 years |
- Age 40–75 years |
- Ethnicity: Finnish (white) |
- Predominantly Anglo Celtic Australian, (>95%), |
- Socioeconomic status: educational level as in same-aged general population; retired and unemployed overrepresented |
- Similar to the same-aged general population |
- Rural, semi-urban, and urban communities |
- Rural, semi-urban, and urban but not metropolitan communities |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) risk |
- Moderate or higher risk for T2DM (FINDRISC ≥12) |
- Moderate or higher risk for T2DM (FINDRISC ≥12) |
- Glycemic status: NGT (74%), IGT (26%) |
- Glycemic status: normal glucose values, 65.9%; impaired glucose values, 34.1% |
Program elements |
Theoretical basis |
Health Action Process Approach (Schwarzer and Fuchs, 1996) |
Same |
Motivational theories (Deci and Ryan, 1985) |
Key components |
Improved knowledge on T2DM based on materials |
Same |
Improved knowledge on healthy diet and health-enhancing physical activity based on Finnish national guidelines |
Self-efficacy in healthy diet and physical activity |
Self-regulation (goal setting, planning, and self-monitoring) in healthy diet and physical activity |
Adoption and maintenance |
Materials |
Program structure including session contents and materials for self-regulation and self-efficacy developed by the GOAL group |
Same, but program materials required language and cultural translation from Finnish to English, and adaptation to ensure alignment with Australian national physical activity and dietary guidelines. |
Information leaflets and materials for self-regulation (e.g., nutrition tests) from relevant nongovernment organizations |
Delivery |
Group counseling with six 2-h sessions |
Same, except for facilitation by study nurses solely employed for the purpose |
Delivery by public health nurses and physiotherapists employed by the municipalities as part of their routine work |
A dietician supporting delivery during one session, employed by the program |
Municipal sports and recreation office supporting delivery during one session |
Training |
A 2.5-day training program delivered by GOAL group and specialists from the regional central hospital |
Two-day training program delivered by Dr. Laatikainen from the National Public Health Institute of Finland |