The effect of 14-3-3 and phosphorylated NR-peptide on the rate of ATP
hydrolysis of isolated broken chloroplasts. A batch of broken
chloroplasts was split into three and treated with 14-3-3,
phosphorylated NR-peptide, or buffer only. Aliquots were removed at the
time intervals shown, and the rate of ATP hydrolysis was measured.
●, buffer control; ▴, 14-3-3; ♦,
phosphorylated NR-peptide; ○, buffer control +
phosphorylated NR-peptide; ▵, 14-3-3 + phosphorylated
NR-peptide. The arrows illustrate the effect of adding phosphorylated
NR-peptide to the buffer only and 14-3-3 batches. The experiment was
repeated several times and a single representative experiment is