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. 2011 Jun 20;60(7):1981–1989. doi: 10.2337/db10-1541


Overrepresented biological annotation terms

Category Term Number of genes (up/down) Fold enrichment BH P value
GO_BP Cell cycle 191 (126/65) 1.45 2.10E-05
GO_BP Lipid metabolic process 172 (119/53) 1.47 2.40E-05
GO_BP Vesicle-mediated transport 126 (67/59) 1.55 3.20E-05
GO_BP Response to stress 200 (129/71) 1.34 9.36E-04
GO_BP Cell adhesion 164 (70/94) 1.36 2.14E-03
GO_BP Axonogenesis 52 (7/45) 1.72 5.55E-03
GO_BP Apoptosis 160 (99/61) 1.31 1.29E-02
GO_BP Lipid transport 30 (22/8) 1.82 2.27E-02
GO_BP Carbohydrate metabolic process 100 (76/24) 1.2 5.24E-02
GO_CC Axon 33 (6/27) 1.95 2.31E-02
GO_CC Mitochondrion 227 (175/52) 1.91 5.24E-02

Functional terms significantly overrepresented in the DEGs are listed. BH P value, Benjamini-Hochberg corrected P value of enrichment in DAVID; GO_BP, GO biological process; GO_CC, GO cellular component.