FIG. 1.
Adipocyte-myocyte coculture model. Computed tomography images of the thigh comparing (A) a young healthy female subject with (B) an older, obese female subject. a: Thigh muscle; b: subcutaneous adipose tissue; c: intermuscular adipose tissue. C: Free fatty acid concentration of the culture medium after 24-h exposure to basal (unstimulated) or stimulated (+100 μM IBMX) human adipocytes compared with no adipocytes. D: Individual free fatty acids in culture medium exposed to stimulated adipocytes for 24 h compared with no adipocytes. E: Adipokine concentrations in the culture medium after 24-h exposure to basal (unstimulated) or stimulated (+100 μM IBMX) human adipocytes. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM and representative of at least two experiments performed in triplicate. *Significant (P < 0.05) effect of adipocyte exposure analyzed by Student t test. FA, fatty acid. (A high-quality color representation of this figure is available in the online issue.)