Effect of HMGCS2 expression on PPARα-mediated induction of fatty acid β-oxidation. HepG2 stable cell lines expressing a shRNA control (scrambled shRNA) or a shRNA specific for HMGCS2 were infected with human PPARα expressing adenovirus (AdPPARα). A, representative Western blot analysis of recombinant PPARα, endogenous HMGCS2, and actins as loading control. 70 μg of whole cell extract were loaded. B, total [14C]palmitate oxidation was measured in HepG2 cells expressing (scrambled shRNA) or not expressing (HMGCS2 shRNA) HMGCS2. The results are expressed in PPARα fold induction versus GFP infection. The average of three independent experiments is shown. ***, p < 0.001.