Figure 3.
Immunohistochemistry of nNOS in the HN and DMN. Light photomicrographs showing the nNOS reactivity in the lesioned side of the HN and DMN at 7 (A, B, C) and 14 (D, E, F) days after PNCI. nNOS staining is barely detected in HN and DMN neurons in the contralateral intact side of the nuclei (the right side of each figure), but significantly increased at 7 days in the affected HN and DMN after PNCI (A, B, C). When compared with those at 7 days post PNCI, nNOS positive neurons in the HN are obviously decreased in number at 14 days following PNCI, whereas those in the DMN are inclined to increase (D, E, F). The immunoreactivities of nNOS are markedly declined in the lesioned HN and DMN of rats treated with high dose EGCG (50 mg/kg, C, F) in relation to those of non-treated rats (A, D) or animals treated with lower dose EGCG (10 mg/kg, B, E). Similarly, there were some nNOS intensely-labeled neurons appear shrunken in contour (D, arrows) following PNCI. V, fourth ventricle; Scale bar = 100 μm.