Fig. 1.
Alcoholic phenotype in cynomolgus monkeys. (A) Experimental timeline. (B) Mean ethanol intake for five CI monkeys in the month before necropsy and for six RSA monkeys during the 4 mo before their last withdrawal. (C) Reach-to-grasp task. The third metacarpophalangeal joint (red) was used to reference hand trajectory. (D) Plots of the reach (red), grasp (black), and return (blue) phases after a day of voluntary withdrawal (Fig. S1A) as spatial trajectories (Upper) and vertical position over time (Lower). (E) As in D but after a drinking binge. (F) Occurrence of three behaviors during intoxication, acute withdrawal, and sustained abstinence for RSA monkeys. *P < 0.05. (G) Normalized incidence of alcohol-withdrawal behaviors.