(A) Phenotypes of uninjected, β-cat morpholino-injected and β-cat-2ome oligo-injected embryos, 8 ng and 4 ng doses (stage 28). Un, 18/18, 100% normal; 8 ng MO, 8/16, 50% axis deficiency; 4 ng MO, 0/10, 0% axis deficiency; 8 ng 2ome, 14/14, 100% axis deficiency, 4 ng 2ome, 9/17, 53% axis deficiency.
(B) Quantitative real-time PCR of nr3 in control (Un) and oligo-injected embryos at stage 10.25. Oligo doses are 8 ng, 6 ng, 3 ng.
(C) Immunoblotting analysis of β-catenin protein levels (top panel) and α-tubulin (lower level) in uninjected control (Un) and in β-cat-MO and 2ome oligo-injected embryos at the late blastula stages (8 ng, 6 ng, 3 ng). The relative abundance of β-catenin compared with tubulin is shown below each lane.