Expression of CD14 and CD326 on nonhematopoietic FL cells. Antigen expression was analyzed on 23 weeks' gestation CD235a− FL cells (A). Viable (PI−) nonhematopoietic cells (CD45−) were analyzed for CD14 and CD326 expression by sequential electronic gating, using gates 1 and 2 as shown. The flow of electronic gating of the data is shown using arrows. Differences in the size and complexity of the 4 cell populations defined by CD14 and CD326 expression (center plot) are indicated by their respective light-scatter profiles. Expression of CD14 on CD326++ cells was confirmed by specific blocking of CD14-PE binding by unconjugated anti-CD14 mAb (B). Relative levels of CD14, CD45, and CD326 mRNA expression determined by quantitative polymerase chain reaction analyses of samples collected from n = 2–10 (CD14) and n = 3–11 (CD326 and CD45) sorted tissues. Data are shown as the mean ± standard error (C). Signal-to-noise ratios of CD326 expression are compared among the 3 cell populations (D). Mean fluorescence intensity for CD326-allophycocyanin (signal) and IgG1-allophycocyanin (noise) staining was determined on PI−CD45− cells also gated based on the light-scatter characteristics of each cell population as indicated by gates 3, 4, and 5 shown in the light-scatter plots in (A). mAb, monoclonal antibody.