A–J, NP-HPLC separation of 2AB-labeled sugars is shown. Shown are monosaccharides derived from hydrolyzed N-glycans (A), a hexose mixture (Gal, Glc, Man) (B), GlcNAc (C), Xyl (D), Ara (E), Rib (F), 3-O-MeGlc (G), 6-O-MeGal and 6-O-MeMan mixture (H), rhamnose (I), Fuc (J). K–Q, RP-HPLC separation of 2AB-labeled sugars is shown. Shown are monosaccharides were derived from hydrolyzed N-glycans (K), a hexose mixture (Gal, Glc, Man) (L), Xyl (M), GlcNAc (N), 3-O-MeGlc (O), 6-O-MeGal (P), and 6-O-MeMan (Q).