Figure 3.
Specificity analysis of three MLPA probes on agarose electrophoresis. All three probe pairs (CsPL for C.sinensis, OfPL for O.felineus, OvPL for O.viverrini) were added, different combined artificial DNA (Cs-T for C.sinensis, Ov-T for O.viverrini, Of-T for O.felineus) used as templates. The MLPA amplicons were separated in 5% agarose gel by electrophoresis and the image was taken under UV light. Fragment sizes: C.sinensis(198bp), O.felineus (170bp), O.viverrini(152bp). Lane M, 20 bp DNA ladder; Lane1, Cs-T+Ov-T+Of-T; Lane 2, Cs-T+Ov-T; lane 3, Cs-T+ Of-T; lane 4, Cs-T.