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. 2011 Jun 24;6(6):e21481. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0021481

Table 1. Prior studies of respiratory droplet size distributions.

Activity Droplet size (µm) Droplet number Experimental conditions Measurement methods Adjustment for evaporationb Reference
GM (GSD)a Range
Cough 12.1 (2.6)c 1–2000 5000 NA Microscope Factor of 4 [20]
16.0 (5.8)d 1→1471 466 NA Bone paper and 0.45-µm filter As measured [15]
0.5 (1.7)e <0.6–2.5 420 24°C, 45%RH;35°C, 23%RH Optical particle counter (OPC), electron microscope As measured [16], [22]
8.4 (2.2) NA NA 95% RH Aerodynamic particle sizer (APS), scanning mobility particle sizer, OPC As measured, assumed to be the original size [17]
13.5f 2–1000 NA 24.9°C, 73.9% RH Interferometric Mie imaging (>2 µm), particle image velocimetry As measured [6]
1.8g 0.3–20 NA 27°C, 59.4% RH Expiratory droplet investigation system, APS As measured [18]
96.6 (2.4)h 0–1500 42 28°C, 70% RH Microscope, aerosol spectrometer Factor of 3 [19]
Sneeze 8.2 (2.3)c 1–2000 1×106 NA Microscope Factor of 4 [20]
Speaki 11.9 (2.8)c 1–1000 252 NA Microscope Factor of 4 [20]
16f 2–1000 NA 24.9°C, 73.9% RH Interferometric Mie imaging (>2 µm), particle image velocimetry As measured [6]
62.1 (1.8)h 0–1000 253 28°C, 70% RH Microscope, aerosol spectrometer Factor of 3 [19]

Geometric mean (GM) and geometric standard deviation (GSD) calculated by methods presented in [51] or cited as reported in the original papers.


Whether droplet sizes were adjusted upward to account for evaporation or were reported as measured.


Calculated from data in Table 3 in [20].


Calculated from data in Table 1 in [15]; droplet diameter upper end assumed to be 2000 µm.


Calculated from data in Table IV in [22].


No data on GSD reported.


Reported modal diameter.


Calculated from data in Table 2 in [19], only results from experiments without food dye were used.


Counting aloud from 1 to 100.