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Table 2.

The Genotypes of the Cases with Recombinations Studied

Patient Phenotype Genotype Site of cross over initiation Southern blot Real-time qPCR
1, 6, 8 Wild type Normal controls (wt/wt)
2 Type 2 p.Leu483Pro (L444P) + p.Glu365Lys (E326K)/ p.Leu483Pro (L444P)+ Rec F MTX Fusion in MTX Fusion in MTX
3 Type 1 p.Arg502Cys (R463C)/Rec F Intron 9 Fusion Fusion of GBA and GBAP gene
4 Type 1 p.Asn409Ser (N370S)/Rec F Exon 10 Normal NA
5 Type 2 c.1505 + 2T>A (IVS10 + 2)/Rec D Exon 7 Fusion Partial GBA deletion
7 Type 2 p.Arg296Gln (R257Q)/ RecΔ55 (c.1263-1317del) Intron 8-exon 9 Missing exon 9 site on Southern blot 55-bp deletion (gene conversion)
9 Type 1 p. Arg209Cys (R170C)/ p.Leu483Pro (L444P)+Rec G 3′ UTR (PMTX) Duplication in pseudogene Duplication in pseudogene
10 Type 1 c.222-224delTAC/Rec G Intron 10-exon 11 Duplication in pseudogene Duplication in pseudogene

GBA cDNA nucleotides (c.) are numbered designating the adenine of the first ATG translation initiation codon as the first nucleotide (GenBank reference sequence NM_000157). Amino acid designated with (p.) are based on the primary GBA translation product, including the 39-residue signal peptide. Recombinant alleles mentioned here are described in more detail in Tayebi et al and Hruska et al.8,9

NA, not available; wt, wild type.

Rec D: recombination at the end of exon 7. Rec F: recombination at the end of intron 9 or beginning of exon 10, Rec G: recombination in intron10-exon 11 or the 3′ untranslated region.