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Figure 7.

Figure 7

Androgen sensitivity and androgen independent tumor growth in PB-Cre4+; Ptenfl/fl;TP53fl/fl Clone 1 orthotopic prostate carcinomas. A: Androgen pellets were either replenished (+Androgen) or removed (-Androgen) at 7 weeks after orthotopic injection. Animals were removed from study when moribund. B: RNA samples extracted from Clone 1 tumors grown as described in A were assessed for Nkx3.1and Msmb expression levels by quantitative RT-PCR. Samples were normalized to Gapdh. The androgen-deprived tumors came from orthotopically injected mice that were euthanized between 19 and 33 days after the removal of subcutaneous androgen pellets. +Androgen, n = 5; -Androgen, n = 5.