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Table 2.

Summary of in Vitro and in Vivo Phenotypes for Pten/TP53 Null Prostatic Carcinoma Clonal Cell Lines

In Vitro
In Vivo
Clone CK5 CK8 Vimentin Tumor no. Subcutaneous tumor phenotype
1 75% 100% ND 101 Basal/squamous > adeno
2 5% 100% ND 301 Sarcomatoid/undiff/adeno > basal/squamous
3 37% 100% <1% 211 Basal/squamous > adeno
4 90% 100% ND 211 Basal/squamous > adeno
5 75% 100% <1% 211 Sarcomatoid > basal/squamous > adeno
6 75% 100% <1% 222 Sarcomatoid
7 62% 75% <1% 222 Adeno
8 100% 0% ND 222 No tumor growth
9 62% 100% ND 222 No tumor growth

Average percentage of cells expressing CK5, CK8, and vimentin determined by counting at least 200 cells per clonal cell line.

Adeno, adenocarcinoma; Basal/squamous, basal/squamous carcinoma; ND, not detected (no cells detected expressing the marker in the entire well of an 8-well chamber slide containing approximately 1800 cells); Undiff, undifferentiated carcinoma; <1%, less than 10 cells expressing the marker in the entire well of the chamber slide containing approximately 1800 cells.