Effects of LXR activation by GW3965 on fibroblasts (A–C) and extracellular matrix proteins (D–I) in rat kidney allografts 56 days after transplantation. Micrograph showing the high number of α-SMA+ (A) myofibroblasts in an untreated kidney allograft; considerably less α-SMA+ fibroblasts can be seen in GW3965 transplants 56 days after transplantation (B). Diffuse deposition of collagen I (D) and III (G) in the tubulointerstitium of control renal allografts 56 days after transplantation. By GW3965 a significant reduction of tubulointerstitial collagen I (E) and III (H) was seen. The results of semiquantitative evaluation (see Materials and Methods) are presented as mean ± SEM; ***P < 0.001 versus controls (C, F, and I). Original magnification, ×200 (A, B, D, E, G, and H; avidin biotin complex staining).