Figure 7.
FIT Protein Regulation in ein3 eil1 and upon MG132 Treatment.
(A) FIT protein abundance in seedling roots of the wild type (WT) and ein3 eil1, exposed to + or –Fe as indicated, showing that FIT protein abundance is reduced in the ein3 eil1 mutant.
(B) The effect of MG132 on FIT abundance in AVG-treated roots, showing that MG132 treatment restored FIT abundance upon AVG treatment. Wild-type seedlings, exposed to + and −Fe, treated with 10 μM AVG or untreated (co, control) and treated for 4 h with or without 100 μM MG132 (+ or −MG132).
(C) The effect of MG132 on FIT abundance in ein3 eil1, showing that MG132 restored FIT protein levels in ein3 eil1 mutants. Seedlings exposed to + and −Fe, treated for 4 h with or without 100 μM MG132 (+ or –MG132); immunoblot analysis with anti-FIT-C antibody (top image; asterisk indicates 35-kD position of FIT protein) and Ponceau S-staining of proteins on the same membrane (bottom image).