(A) Compares the genomic organization of the chimpanzee AL+A+ haplotype to human (GenBank ID BA000025) and chimpanzee AL- A+ haplotypes (GenBank ID BA000041), and to the gorilla AL+A- haplotype (GenBank IDs CU104658, CU104664). Genes, pseudogenes, gene fragments, and informative repetitive elements are shown. (B) Model for the evolution through duplication and deletion of MHC haplotypes containing the H, AL, and A genes. U† and A† are hypothetical paralogs that have yet to be indentified in any hominoid species or on any sequenced MHC haplotype. (C) Shows the sequence similarity between the chimpanzee AL+A+ haplotype and both the human AL- A+ (upper panel) and gorilla AL+A- (lower panel) haplotypes. A sliding window of 100 bp was analyzed. Positions of the AL and A genes are indicated. (D) Shows a neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of the genomic segments containing the pseudogenes related to HLA-T, HLA-W, and HLA-K that was used to estimate the time of the two key duplication events. Arrows show the nodes used for maximum likelihood time estimates of the duplications.