Soluble Gal-3 increases SVZ neuroblast migration from explants. (A) Explants taken from the rostral part of the RMS of P4 Dcx–GFP mice and cultured in Matrigel for 48 hours show robust migration. (B) Gal-3 function-blocking antibody inhibits migration. Concentration of antibodies was in μg/ml. (C,D) Compared to IgG control, migration is blocked in 5.0 μg/ml anti-Gal-3. (E,F) Neuroblast migration increases in the presence of recombinant Gal-3. (G–I) The number of neuroblast chains and percentage of cells migrating in chains decreases after anti-Gal-3 treatment. (Error bars in H too small to be visible. All error bars represent s.e.m.) *P<0.05, **P<0.005. Scale bars:100 μm. (J) Examples of chain migration (arrow) from control explants (exp) and individual cell migration (arrowhead) in anti-Gal-3 antibody treated explants. Frames taken from supplementary material Movie 3, time-stamps indicate minutes after plating of explant.