What happens to the share of allele R in the haploid and diploid versions of the model. R achieves fixation fastest in the haploid version of the model and slowest in the recessive diploid version. The diagram assumes: all variants: cr/cn = 3.0; pRr (0)=0.005, pNr (0)=0, pRn (0)=0, pNn (0)=0.995; haploid: sRr=0.3, sNr=0.6, sRn=0.05, sNn=0.05; diploid: sRRr=0.3, sNNr=0.6, sRRn=0.05, sNNn=0.05; R dominant: sRNr=sRRr, sRNn=sRRn; R recessive: sRNr=sNNr, sRNn=sNNn. Line with circles, diploid + R dominant; line with diamonds, diploid + R recessive; line without circles or diamonds, haploid.