Figure 3.
The evolutionary effects of a constraint on the growth of a high-fertility religious group. Defections increase as the group gets bigger, which limits the eventual size of this group. However, large-scale defections spread the religiosity allele R into the rest of the population. The diagram assumes: both variants: cr/cn = 3.0; pRr (0)=0.005, pNr (0)=0, pRn (0)=0, pNn (0)=0.995; aRRr=aRNr=0.3, aNNr=0.4, aRRn=aRNn=aNNn=0; bn=0; no constraint: br=0, constraint: br =−20. Note: sjki (t)=ajki [1−bi pi (t)]. Line without diamonds, no constraint; line with diamonds, constraint.