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. 2011 Jan-Apr;15(1):74–79. doi: 10.4103/0973-029X.80021

Table 1.

Characteristic profile of 41 cases of ECMT reported till date

Author Year No. of cases Age/gender Site Peculiar histopathological features Immunohistochemical profile
Smith et al,[1] 1995 19 9 women, 10 men, aged 9-78years Anterior dorsum tongue Cytological atypia in the form of nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatism and multinucleation. Pseudoinclusion or binucleated cells, pseudocystic spaces with papillary growth pattern, swirling pattern and stromal hyalinization Strongly positive for GFAP; variably reactive to CD-57; nonreactive to strongly reactive to AE1/AE3; occasionally positive for S-100 and negative for EMA and desmin.
Kannan et al,[2] 1996 3 21/M,33/M,51/M Dorsal tongue, anterior dorsal tongue, anterior dorsal tongue Few cells showed nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromatism, multinucleation Positive for GFAP, S-100, vimentin and CD-57; negative forAEl/AE3 and EMA.
van der Wal and van der Waal[3] 1996 1 25/F Anterior dorsum tongue Myxoid lesion focally infiltrating the surrounding muscle tissue Positive for GFAP, S-100 and vimentin; negative for cytokeratins, SMA, MSA, desmin, CD-57, EMA, and Ulex and factor VIII.
Carlos et al,[4] 1999 1 16/M Left dorsal posterior tongue Positive for GFAP and S-100.
de Visscher et al,[5] 2003 2 39/M, 42/F Anterior dorsal tongue, anterior dorsal tongue Inclusion of muscle fibers at the periphery of the lesion, atypical cells with nuclear inclusion. Strongly positive for GFAP, vimentin and S-100; variably positive CD56; focally positive for desmin; negative for pan-keratin cocktail, keratin 8 and 18, SMA and CEA.
Ide et al,[6] 2003 1 52/F Anterior tongue (tip) Multiple mucin-pooled pseudocysts were filled with round hyalinized globules Intense positivity for vimentin and GFAP; focally positive for S-lOOand CD-57; Negative for AE1/AE3 and SMA.
Kaplan et al,[7] 2004 2 26/M, 57/F Midline anterior dorsal tongue, left anterior dorsal tongue Intranuclear psuedoinclusions, Positive for GFAP and S-100; Negative for SMA, desmin, CD-57, EMA and AE1/3
Woo et al,[8] 2005 1 22/F Midline dorsal tongue Scant minor salivary gland elements Negative for GFAP, SMA, desmin, and EMA; strong positivity for S-100 and vimentin; focal positivity for AE1/3, faint positivity for CD-57 and p63.
Goveas et al,[9] 2006 1 57/F Right anterior tongue Bland spindle and round cells in a myxoid stroma Strongly positive for GFAP, AEl/3andEMA; focally positive for S-100, vimentin and CK 4; negative for SMA, desmin, CK7, CK20, Calponin, p63, SMMHC and MAC387
Nigam et al,[10] 2006 1 30/M Hard palate Round to polygonal cells in a chondroid background and stellate cells in a myxoid background, and presence of binucleate cells Immunoprofile not done
Seckin et al,[11] 2008 1 56/F Anterior Dorsal Tongue Cells within lacunae where seen in areas of cartilaginous differentiation Few cells stained for GFAP; negative for Anticytokeratin antibody
Pires et al,[12] 2009 3 9/M,16/M, 33/M Dorsum of the tongue Pleomorphism and several mitotic figures were seen focally Strongly positive for GFAP, S-100 and vimentin; focally positive for SMA and desmin.
Portnof et al,[13] 2009 1 41/M Anterior tongue Striated muscle containing infiltrative tumor, Small collections of larger cells containing foamy cytoplasm. Strongly positivity for GFAP; focal positivity for SI00 protein and SMA; vimentin, p63, CD99, and Bcl-2 positivity; negative for AE1/AE3, CAM5.2, EMA, calponin, CD34, A103, CD57, and CD117.
Angiero F[14] 2010 1 27/F Dorsum of the tongue Neoplastic cells set in a myxoid, chondroid or hyalinized background Positive for GFAP, S-100 and vimentin; negative for CD- 57, SMA, EMA, Desmin and Cytokeratin
Seo SH et al,[15] 2010 2 8/M, 65/M Posterior dorsum, anterior dorsum of the tongue Rare mitosis, cup shaped cells and multinucleation, entrapment of cells in the muscle Negative for GFAP, S-100, SMA, desmin, AE1/3, CD34, p63 and factor VII. Diffusely Positive for vimentin in both the cases, CD56 (1/2 cases) and EMA (1/2 cases)
Present case 2010 1 7/M Anterior dorsum of the tongue Cells infiltrating the skeletal muscle, vesiulated and multinucleation Strongly positive for vimentin; focally positive for SMA and negative for GFAP, S-100 and desmin