Fig. 5.
Inferior process of the tegmen tympani and the discomalleolar ligament in a 13-week human fetus. Sagittal sections. Panel A is lateral to panel B. Parts of the discomalleolar ligament (DM) extended anterocranially to attach to the developing inferior process of the tegmen tympani (ITE). These two panels are prepared at the same magnification. AN, auriculotemporal nerve; CH, condyle head of the mandible; CT, chorda tympani nerve; D, temporomandibular joint disc; I, incus; M, malleus; MA, primitive maxillary artery including the middle meningeal artery; MC, Meckel's cartilage; OC, otic capsule; OG, os goniale; PSF, petrosquamosal fissure; PT, pharyngotympanic tube; SQ, squamous part of the temporal bone; TE, tegmen tympani of the petrous part of the temporal bone; TM, tympanic membrane; TY, tympanic bone.